Thursday, 10 September 2015

Seerah of the Prophet (SAW) through the eyes of Children

I was referred to a lecture series by Dr. Hesham Al Awadi and for parenting, I feel this is a MUST LISTEN. Its an eight part series (each part of 1 hour - more or less) and therefore it requires some free time. In addition to both the parents, I believe older kids (10 years onwards) should listen to it along with their parents. Actually its the Seerah of the Prophet (SAW) through the eyes of children and children will be able to readily appreciate it. The main characters in this talk are not the regular great sahaba like Abu Bakr (RA), Umar (RA), Uthman (RA), but characters like Anas bin Maalik (RA), Hasan (RA) and Hussein (RA), Abdullah bin Abbas (RA) and Abdullah bin Umar (RA). Here is the youtube playlist.

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