Tuesday, 30 August 2016

Quickly Understand & Memorize Surah Al-Adiyat

This illustrated video will help you quickly understand & memorize Surah Al-Adiyat from Quran.

The main points of interest were as follows:

1/ The message of Quran is not just what it says, but how it says
2/ In this surah we learn about the attitude of human being who has fear of nothing.
3/ Word Adiyat comes from 'Ado which means to have animosity. It means running towards your enemy.
4/ Dabha means panting - meaning it is going fast as it can. Picturing some war
5/ Why is Khair translated as Wealth?
6/ Afla Yalamu - Bosira does not mean turned upside down but means to turn upside down to find a thing
7/ Wa Hussila - means to peel, extract and scrape everything out from the chest
8/ Last surah touched on deeds - this surah goes further deep in the heart - intentions

9/ Khabeer is more powerful then Aleem. Khabeer means when someone is full news and every minute detail of the matter.

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