Tuesday, 30 August 2016

Quickly Understand & Memorize Surah Al-Adiyat

This illustrated video will help you quickly understand & memorize Surah Al-Adiyat from Quran.

The main points of interest were as follows:

1/ The message of Quran is not just what it says, but how it says
2/ In this surah we learn about the attitude of human being who has fear of nothing.
3/ Word Adiyat comes from 'Ado which means to have animosity. It means running towards your enemy.
4/ Dabha means panting - meaning it is going fast as it can. Picturing some war
5/ Why is Khair translated as Wealth?
6/ Afla Yalamu - Bosira does not mean turned upside down but means to turn upside down to find a thing
7/ Wa Hussila - means to peel, extract and scrape everything out from the chest
8/ Last surah touched on deeds - this surah goes further deep in the heart - intentions

9/ Khabeer is more powerful then Aleem. Khabeer means when someone is full news and every minute detail of the matter.

Sunday, 28 August 2016

Bartender who accepted Islam

A mind blowing story of bartender accepting Islam, this made us cry :'( There is so much work to do to help spread the message of Islam and Quran to every human being. We cannot give up on any human being.

The important points in this short video are:

1/ When you look at him you will feel he has no taqwa

2/ Dont put people down. Dont think they are less.

Avoid useless company

The important things in this short video are:

1/ Zoor in Ayat 72 of Surah Furqan means false testimony or company that doesn't have any benefit
2/ You later realize that your sins were a result of your friends
3/ You don't embarass undesirable / useless company but find a dignified / smart way to get out of it.

Importance of Zhikr and Taqwa

Formula for holding onto the Book of Allah swt as given in Quran.

In this video the important points covered are as follows:

1/ In Ayat 63 of Surah Baqarah, Allah took the covenant from you and raised the mountain over you to take the message and the messenger seriously. It wasn't forced. They had already accepted and then they were not serious about it.
2/ Formula for how do you to hold on to the book seriously. 
3/ It is two things - Remember whats in it and mention whats in it. Just remembering it wont help but mentioning will do it.

Saturday, 27 August 2016

Quran: A Guidance for Humanity

Quran is a Book of Guidance for EVERY SINGLE HUMAN BEING, without ANY discrimination.

The important points covered in this short video are:

1/ Ayat 185 of Surah Baqarah mentions that guidance is for all people not just to Muslims but for all people.
2/ When we stand together in Salah it means we are equal

3/ We look like a muslim and just say that you are Muslim. Its like a shell without an egg / pearl.

Intention Only for Allah

Always keep intentions only for Allah swt. ''All Actions depend on Intentions'' - Prophet Muhammad pbuh.

The important points covered in this short video are:

1/ Ayat 77 of Surah Hajj required us to do good to be successful. Good helps who? It helps others  
2/ But these good contribution (in time as well as money) are for ourselves not for them. It does not help by saying / thinking that "I helped them".
3/ You gave them a big cheque and you are thinking of giving some advise and you now think your opinion should be given consideration. Dont ruin your sadaqah by tying them to expectation.

4/ Deposit your sadaqah in your aakhirah account not in some of your wordly account by tying it to some expectation.

Thursday, 25 August 2016

Leadership Quality

What are the essential requirements for being a Leader? A timeless lesson from Quran.

The important matters that come under this video are:

1/ Not only did Yusuf (AS)  establish his innocence, he asked for a job to make him  the treasurer
2/ He mentioned that he will be hafeez and aleem (safeguard it and is knowledgeable in this matter)
3/ Leadership is about confidence. Too much confidence, however leads to arrogance.
4/ It is your God given responsibility. If you are talented in leadership you have to take the leadership role
5/ Arrogance is when you are obsessed with your title and you cant let it go
6/ Yousuf (AS) took this position to save lives not because he wanted leadership. Thats true leadership. 
7/ Some of you are natural born leaders and some are followers. Realize your role and acknowledge that as gift. Leaders as well as followers are necessary.
8/ Leadership qualities are Hafeez and Aleem in addition to sincerety which is implied when you think you are and Abd/Slave of Allah.
9/You may be extremely pious, righteous, hafiz, zahid but itdoes not mean you are a leader, because leadership requires seriousness of the job and knowledge of the job.

Honouring The Orphans & Children

An exclusive reminder by brother Nouman Ali Khan for NAKcollection/FreeQuranEducation on why Quran asks us to Honour the Orphans, Children and All Human beings. 

Important things that come under this video are:

1/ As stated in Surah Fajr Ayat 17 that You dont honor the orphan. Make note that it is not saying not sponsoring but not honoring
2/ Every human being is entitled to respect / dignity. Generally orphans get charity but not respect.
3/ First Lessons in this Ayah is to show respect to orphans and by extension children
4/ Children grown in tough environment are many a times incapable of showing campassionate behaviour.
5/ Also refer to Ayah 1 of Surah Nisa  where Allah mentions to have taqwa of Allah as well as the womb of the mother which means to show respect to both the mothers as well as what they bear
6/If cousins are orphans, invite them. Nobody invites them.

Wednesday, 24 August 2016

I Am Near!

Video explaining The Unimaginable love of Allah swt hidden in the verse: ''And when ask you My servants about Me, then indeed I am near. I respond (to the) invocation (of) the supplicant when he calls Me.'' [Quran 2:186]

Important things that come under this video are:

The word Idha (إذا) means when and not if
The mom will say When my son comes back not if my son comes back
When your heart cannot expect to not return you use When not If
Meaning I am waiting for my slave for just one time not every time
When Allah uses I in the Quran instead of We he is either with lots of love or lots of anger.

Find your Passion & Contribute

We all have a part to play in helping humanity. Are you playing yours'?. A timeless and priceless lesson from Quran by brother Nouman Ali Khan

Important things that come under this video are:

1/ Ayat under discussion is of Surah Maaidah which is the last surah to be revealed
2/ Tawuna comes from Aoun which means serious aid and not some small help which is generally found in the translation of cooperate
3/ Contribute on Al Birr which in Arabic is the most comprehensive word for Good - and therefore includes anything good
4/ Educating children is one project and within there are hundreds of other smaller project
5/ Counciling is another project
6/ Dawah is not one thing. Its a thousand things
7/ We need to ask, How can I serve based on my talents, my experience, my education and my interest and what am I passionate about